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Our mission is to offer a community to the lost. to bring understanding to the unknown, reassurance to the doubt, and to equip the saints.

The world as we know it is living in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. What was once considered evil, and taboo has now become the norm. This illness has been affecting the generation of our Young Adults. The late Michael Jackson once said, “Heal the World, and make it a better place,” and that’s the plan! This world needs healing and it is time we do our part to make it a better place. How? By being the C.U.R.E! The change we want to see must first begin with me
Community to the lost
The young adults do not normally have a place to go once they graduate and transition out of Youth. They are either too old to remain in Youth or too uncomfortable to join Men’s or Women’s ministry. We want to give them a safe haven to come and to continue their growth in the Lord. A place where they can feel welcomed and not judged, a community.
Understanding to the unknown
Young Adults are full of the tough questions. Questions that they may feel too uncomfortable to ask their parents or their friends. This age group is such an underrated, overlooked part of our lives. Therefore, we would like to give an opportunity for these tough questions to be asked in a safe environment where we can all learn together. Will we have all the answers?? Absolutely not!! But we can direct you to the one who does…Jesus!!
This is also a time in their lives where they may be struggling with Identity and Self- Worth. We want to utilize our meeting times to encourage and to strengthen the Young Adults by using scriptural references and teachings. Our goal is to transform their minds and catch their hearts, so they come to know who they are in Christ.
Our goal for The Remnant is to see every Young Adult serving the body of Christ. We want to develop the “Battleship Mentality.” We are not sipping martinis on a cruise ship; no, we are called to serve on this Battleship!! We will provide a platform for all those called into ministry and called to serve. We will teach the importance of serving but also the heart behind in which we serve. This will be a fantastic opportunity to plug and connect the Young Adults to various ministry leaders based off their interests in specific areas of ministry.

Austin Tialavea
Young Adults Ministry Pastor
Please contact us to get involved at
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