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"Plans are established by seeking advice; so if you wage war, obtain guidane"


Proverbs 20: 18(NIV)

Holding Hands

New Hope Las Vegas Christian Fellowship provides Biblically based, Christ centered pastoral care, while addressing many common issues of life. Our ministry team consists of our pastoral staff and lay leaders. Your sessions may be provided by a lay leader, who work under the supervision of our pastoral staff.

In this kind of guidance and discipleship process, the Holy Spirit, not the pastoral staff person, is the agent of individual change-provided one cooperates with Him. Our goal is to present God’s plan for personal change in the midst of one’s circumstances by utilizing helping skills, prayer, scripture, and spiritual/biblical principles.

If you need immediate assistance, please contact one of the Endorsed Counselors by clicking the link below:

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Connect with the R.I.S.E. Ministry by emailing: Email:

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